
First YouTube Video

Ok... so I'm dead tired and I just finished playing Monopoly against Ajuna, Amanda, and Josh, but I wanted to get this out there before I forget. This evening (sat night), I spent several hours with Jonathan Ledee (one of my friends and the main character of the video) and Ajuna putting together this this video. We did muliple takes from various angles and then edited it together with Adobe Premier and since I had never really used that software before, it may have taken a little longer than it should have. Still, I'm very proud of the finished product! It's posted to Facebook and YouTube. There are plenty of outtakes (which aren't posted) and we had a really good time doing it...
And that's the thing... I, myself, had a REALLY good time doing it... its wierd and a little tedious at times during the editing but I never felt bored by the process... I had fun the whole time! It makes me think about that saying, "If you like what you do, you'll never work a day in your life". Well I can't remember the last time I had so much fun while also doing something that I thought was creative and cool. We're hoping it gets a whole bunch of views (we're shooting for millions but who knows ;-) ) but even if it doesn't, I enjoyed the process of making it so much that it doesn't even matter.
I honestly don't know what this means on the larger scale for me... Is this the way you're job is supposed to feel about the things you do for work and in life? I know I hate IT and want to get out of it as soon as possible... I want to feel like I did today every time I go to work. At least I now know what its like.
On a side note, I know I wasn't actually in this video so I am not as out there as I'd like to be (referring to the last post) but at the same time, it certainly was a step in the right direction... and I'll be in some of the future videos we plan to do. Anyway, YouTube view count currently stands at 15 so we'll see where it is when I wake up.

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