And I find it kind funny, I find it kinda sad... these dreams in which I'm dying are the best I've ever had...
Why is it that we are lured in by beauty? We let ourselves get roped in and we open ourselves up and we learn about the other and the more we learn, the more we like and the more we get sucked in until there is no escape... like an asteroid caught in the suns gravity, we're too close... but the strange thing... the thing that takes the cake... is that as we approach the sun, now having no power to get away, that light we're attracted to like a moth gets separated from us by a transparent wall... causing us to be able to look but not touch... to clearly be able to see but not to be able to have... that wall is the wall of friendship and its a horrible horrible thing... and like a moth, we thrash around and bash our heads into the wall continuously because we cannot help ourselves and we'd prefer to bloody or kill ourselves for the possibility of breaking through rather than be on this side of the wall.
Yeah, its like that.
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